About the Club

The YHA Cross Country Ski Club is a recreational trail and backcountry ski touring club based in Melbourne, Australia, and affiliated with the Youth Hostels Association of Australia - a not-for-profit organisation with members of all ages.  As a YHA Activity Group, we're focussed on outdoor, social cross-country skiing and other alpine activities.  The YHA Cross Country Ski Club is not a commercial enterprise - we aim to keep costs a minimum, with successful trips depending on participants' co-operation and contribution.

During the ski season (snow permitting) the club organises:

Photo Copyright © David Lamb, 2004.


History of the club

For anyone interested in the beginnings of the club, we are compiling a page listing old documents that show what the club was like in its early days.  If anyone has other documents - or photos - that should go on this page, please contact us!