Trip prices usually consist of a booking fee (eg. $10 for Day trips) to cover the administrative costs of the club
and where applicable, the accommodation cost. This amount will be shown on the trip program and on the trip's
Meetup page.
Trip prices may change - always check details with the Trip Leader.
Additional costs not shown on the program include:
The petrol sharing policy of the club is that the owner of the
vehicle used for a trip should charge each passenger a maximum of the total
dollar value of the petrol used multiplied by two and then divided by
the total number of occupants (including driver) in the vehicle.
Some owners may choose to charge less, but should never charge more.
This formula is intended to cover the cost to the owner of maintenance, wear & tear from driving, insurance, etc.
In Summary - Each passenger pays no more than: 2 x Cost ÷ Occupants