All trips are by private car, with car pooling organised by the trip leader. Transport is rationalised as much as possible so as to minimise costs. If you are not prepared to take your car to the snow, please indicate whether or not you have transport and are able to get to a meeting point that is convenient for both you and your driver.
Day trips usually leave Melbourne early Saturday or Sunday morning and return early evening that day.
Note: For those hoping to use public transport to get to a meeting point on a Saturday or Sunday morning,
it probably won't work - check the transport timetables carefully!
Weekend trips usually leave Melbourne Friday afternoon and return Sunday evening.
Note that for trips to Falls Creek / Hotham / Dinner Plain, it can take six to seven hours from Melbourne (it may be necessary to stop to hire skis, for dinner and for breaks).
Most drivers prefer to arrive before 11:00pm, so you should try to leave Melbourne around 2:00 or 3:00pm. Leaving after 4:00pm tends to make the trip take longer because of peak-hour traffic.
Always check details with the Trip Leader.
For details on the Club's petrol sharing policy, see the section on Trip Costs.